Here are 13 Free Sample Soccer Certificate Templates to help you design your own Certificate. Alternatively, you can also check out our post on Basketball Certificate Templates.
It is a matter of happiness and prestige for a player to earn his soccer certificate. Soccer certificates are given to players who successfully complete their coaching training at a club. It gives a brief description of the type and position acquired by the player during the course of the coaching. This serves as a key credential in the future and may also be used for some academic purposes e.g. for admission to certain institutes.
Format of Soccer Certificate Templates
The form and content of every soccer certificate largely depend on the issuing club or authority and a number of other preferences. Ideally, it is printed on card or other good quality paper or material. It is printed under the name and monogram/logo of the entity issuing it. This is a multipurpose document so its form and content must be appropriate in this respect. It should be an ideal balance between elegance and sports spirit representation. It should give the duration of the coaching sessions or participation along with the achievement details.
Ideally, it should give a title to the player as well, for example ‘the best forward’ etc. The extent of the information provided in the certificate is largely based on the discretion of the issuer as largely these are honorary certificates. However, if the certificate is meant to serve a particular purpose it should be detailed enough to address that issue. Certain clubs require a specified time of training or participation before a player even gets eligible for the basic entrance criteria.
Soccer Certificate Design Trends
On the other hand, the limitation is imposed by limited space. It is always a good idea to include the specifics of the tournament and any specific achievements of the team or the player. There should be little or no emphasis on the player’s academic or character attributes, and should only focus on his ‘skills in the field’. If the club or institute issuing it is very conscious about its image and brand then the theme and style should be set in accordance with that.
As to personal information, it should contain the player’s name and father’s name along with any other specifics. If the event or season is of importance and well known to the intended audience then a reference to that might add to the credibility of the certificate. Adding a seal or any other signature to avoid forgery is a necessity in today’s age. Certain clubs also have a culture of issuing these certificates to the coaches as well.
Usually, they begin with the remarks like “best coach ever”. This is to show gratitude toward the services of the coach toward the development of the players, both individually and as a team. As the honor comes with achievement so mentioning that would make it even better, in this case as well. In the end, it should be signed by the appropriate authority and be serially numbered for future and official purposes.
Download Soccer Certificate Templates
Here is a preview of This First Sample Soccer Certificate Template in MS Word.
Here is preview of another Sample Soccer Certificate Template in MS Word.
Here is preview of another Sample Soccer Certificate Template in MS Word.
Here is preview of another Sample Soccer Certificate Template in MS Word Format.
Here is preview of another Sample Soccer Certificate Template in MS Word.
Here is preview of another Sample Soccer Certificate Template in MS Word.
Here is preview of another Sample Soccer Certificate Template in MS Word.
Here is preview of another Sample Soccer Certificate Template in MS PowerPoint.
Here is preview of another Sample Soccer Certificate Template in PDF Format.
Here is preview of another Sample Soccer Certificate Template in PDF Format.
Here is preview of another Sample Soccer Certificate Template in PDF Format.
Here is preview of another Sample Soccer Certificate Template in PDF Format.
Here is preview of another Sample Soccer Certificate Template in PDF Format.