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Free Seminar Agenda Templates

Download these Free Seminar Agenda Templates to assist you in preparing your own Seminar Meeting Agenda. You can also check out the collection of Informal Meeting Agenda Templates.

There are different kinds of official meetings and gatherings, seminar is one of those many types.  Seminars are usually conducted to aid or help the general public or to create awareness among them. Being divided into two distinct categories, seminars are either free or paid. Free seminars allow the general public to attend and anyone who wishes to gain knowledge about the said topic can pass the gate and attend the lecture, however, the paid ones are properly organized by any special management and people are asked to either get the tickets or pay before entering the event.

Importance of Seminar Agenda Templates

A maximum of the seminars are conducted to create awareness about some topic so, it is wise to create an agenda and to distribute it among the listeners beforehand. It is a professional approach to create a Seminar Agenda and to distribute it among the audience before the start of the seminar so that all the attendants should be well aware of what is coming for them. However, creating a Seminar Agenda is not an easy task to do especially if it is your first time creating such a document.  Downloading any seminar agenda template from the internet is a wise decision only when you know how to temper it according to the audience, environment, and topic. For this purpose, we are here to provide you with a few guidelines for how to create a seminar agenda successfully.

Choose any theme wisely, and consider the seriousness of the topic and the nature of the audience before you pick up any theme. Choosing any funky theme for any disease awareness seminar would not be a very nice idea, and vice versa. So, keep your mind and eyes open before choosing any theme.

Preparing Seminar Agenda using Templates

Start the seminar agenda with the topic on top, where it is the first thing to be seen, or simply make it eye-catching. Without deviating from the theme you choose, make it stand out from the rest of the information that you have to write. Add the venue, date, time, and speaker’s name after you are done with the topic. Make sure you give genuine and authentic details about all the things you have written on this agenda.

Make a section where you write the names of presenters and hosts clearly along with the degrees or specialties they have. This is to make people aware of who they are going to listen to. This can create a lot of impact on the listening of the audience and the effect that the speech leaves on them.

Free Seminar Agenda Templates

Now, draw out a schedule-type table where you can add the time-lapse and the particulars along with the person who is going to attend. Start mentioning the particulars in the way and sequence that they will be happening. Mention the presenters in front of the particulars and the approximate time they will be taking. This will give a brief overview of what’s ahead for the audience. A good seminar agenda can change the view of the audience and can make them stay or leave that instant.

Here is a preview of This First Sample Seminar Agenda Template in MS Word format.

Seminar Meeting Agenda Template 01

Download the link for this Sample Seminar Agenda Template.

Here is another creative Seminar Meeting Agenda for your quick assistance.

Seminar Meeting Agenda Template 02

If you prefer a printer friendly, then check out the following Meeting Agenda Template for your upcoming seminar.

Seminar Meeting Agenda Template 03

Yet another variety in design to mesmerize your audience. Just be creative and try to enhance it with your real company or community images.

Seminar Meeting Agenda Template 04


