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19 Free Sample Perfect Attendance Certificate Templates

Download these 13 Free Sample Perfect Attendance Certificate Templates in MS Word format to help you prepare your won Attendance Certificate easily. You can also download more free Salary Certificate Templates and Employment Certificate Templates.

We all know that it is not an easy feat coming to school every day. Students can get sick, bearing some unanticipated situations personally or within the family, some unexpected tour out of the town, or even late awaking that might prohibit them from coming to school. Teachers have to put a lot of effort into students and their parents to achieve the goal of perfect attendance.

Students attending school rain or shine, day in and day out deserve to be awarded by teachers. In the incentive of achievement of meeting perfect attendance, students are awarded with a perfect attendance school award certificate, or simply a perfect attendance certificate.

Companies use these certificate templates to reduce absenteeism, which can significantly impact productivity. Awarding these certificates signals that the company values hardworking and dedicated employees. Furthermore, for conference or training session attendance, you can use our Participation Certificate templates to acknowledge attendees.

Perfect Attendance Certificate Format

A perfect attendance certificate is a recognition for the student for his / her punctuality. Additionally, some other incentives are also organized to offer the student an appreciation of perfect attendance. The design and look of a perfect attendance certificate should be interesting and encouraging as well. The format of this certificate can be written like this:

“This certificate is awarded to ______________ for perfect attendance at __________ for _____________.”


“Congratulations to ________________ for perfect attendance at _____________.”


“Presented to _______________ for perfect attendance.”


100% attendance certificate awarded to ______________for perfect attendance!”


“Awarded to _________________ for perfect attendance.”


The certificate must contain the signature of the teacher/principal and a seal or stamp of the school authority. Without these two components, the certificate is worthless.

Free Perfect Attendance Certificate Templates

Here are free certificate designs created by our staff to help you create and print your own Attendance Certificate easily.

Attendance Certificate Template - for Employee

Here is the download link for this Attendance Certificate Template – for Employees.


Attendance Certificate Format

The download link for this Attendance Certificate Format is below,


Attendance Certificate Template - for Govt. Employee

You can download this Attendance Certificate Template – for Govt. Employee in MS Word format.


Attendance Certificate Template - for Students

Here you can download this Attendance Certificate Template – for Students.


Attendance Certificate Template - for Teachers

Download this Attendance Certificate Template – for Teachers in MS Word format.


Attendance Certificate Template - MS Word

You can download this Attendance Certificate Template – MS Word.

A student’s school attendance is considered as a simple and easily realized measurement of a student’s performance. And so, one of the tactics employed by the teachers and school authorities for improving attendance is engaging students and parents, professors, and community members in a campaign offering positive rewards to those students for getting to school on time including Perfect Attendance Certificate.

Some of the overarching Issues to Consider for a Perfect Attendance Certificate are described in this article. The various incentives for improving attendance are most effective when they are pushed as part of a wide-ranging approach that includes outreach to families of the students with more significant challenges to attendance. The incentives ought to be a part of creating school-wide customs and emphasis should be laid on attendance and accompanied by a deep commitment to ensure that the students are engaged in the classroom once they show up.

The incentives are not needed to be costly or expensive. Simple rewards like recognition from peers and the school through Perfect Attendance Certificates or assemblies, a little extra recess time, concessions from homework work and even dancing in the hallways always go a long way towards motivating the students. The schools should ask students about their ideas of a meaningful incentive. Interclass competitions are also a powerful motivator. Creating a sense of competition between different classes like, a making a pizza party for the class and winning the best monthly attendance can prove to be a prevailing motivation to others. Strategies like these inspire students to feel responsible to each other for attending the classes.


More Free Attendance Certificate Designs

Here is a preview of This First Sample Attendance Certificate Template created using MS Word,







Schools should not avoid recognizing perfect attendance with a Perfect Attendance Certificate. Although most of the time, perfect attendance is not the goal as it is not considered wise to encourage children to come to school even when they’re sick. Students should though be rewarded for improved attendance also along with just perfect records. Offering weekly Perfect Attendance Certificates and awards allows students to still have a chance to achieve the target next week if they fail in one week.

Since belatedness can also have an adverse impact on learning, schools should count on-time attendance only for rewards. The schools should inform the parents emphasizing both the value of good attendance records and incentives and the penalties of poor attendance. Ensure that families know about the incentive program, the reason the school attendance matters for academic success, and that they understand school policies for when poor attendance can result in flopping on a course or being retained. These sanctions though, should never be used without incentives. They also offer incentives for families and not just for students. The families appreciate access to resources such as food baskets, transportation passes, etc. and these can be used to encourage parents to participate in the incentives.

The incentives must be implemented school-wide. For fostering a culture of attendance, every classroom needs maximum participation. Good attendance helps kids to not just succeed in school but also bolster their self-esteem. Improving attendance requires a complete tactic that goes beyond just sanctions and includes incentives.



Uses of Perfect Attendance Certificate

t is a source of appreciation and acknowledgment of the efforts students and their parents make to get the students to school every day. To qualify for the perfect attendance certificate, students must be in school each and every day that school is in session.

Two appointments of a doctor or dentist per semester are not counted against the perfect attendance as long as the student attends school for at least half of the day. However, an unexcused day of late getting to school is counted against the student for perfect attendance.

All excused and unexcused absences are counted against perfect attendance. There are 3 levels of qualifying for a perfect attendance certificate or incentive for students:

  1. Incentive for 9 weeks of perfect attendance
  2. Incentive for a semester of perfect attendance
  3. Incentive for the full year of perfect attendance

Strong motivation and efforts are needed to make and maintain perfect attendance. There are a lot of strategies that teachers adopt to increase student attendance. Perfect or regular school attendance is not only significant to get them incentives but also valuable for the students not to fall behind in studies and receive poor grades. The higher the attendance rate in the school, more the money is received by the school district.

Reward or incentive for perfect attendance at school may be a pen, a bicycle, a comic book, a movie ticket to the auditorium, or even a cash prize depending on the type of perfect attendance. Perfect attendance certificates are issued to the students to motivate those with poor attendance rates. A higher absence rate comes with lots of potential risks for students’ studies. Teachers should address the absence risks for the student’s studies and their intelligence.

To pump positive inspiration for perfect attendance certificates, teachers should create a climate of change for the students to retain them at school every day. The climate of change will be effective by focusing on the responsibilities, timeline, and necessary resources. Teachers should make an environment to feel welcome at school for the students and parents/guardians by keeping a good concern with them always.

Teachers should immediately talk to students or their parents/guardians in case of the absence of a student to let them know that they are aware of his / her missing from class and they care for those at school, too. To improve the motivation level of the students for perfect attendance, the teacher must reward and recognize the students, i.e. perfect attendance certificate, award, cash prizes, etc.


  • Aashiq Ali

    Aashiq Ali is a distinguished consultant and author based in the bustling city of Lahore, Pakistan. With a keen eye for detail and a profound understanding of corporate dynamics, Aashiq specializes in offering expert services in documentation and process management to various corporate offices. His consultancy has helped numerous organizations streamline their operations, enhance efficiency, and achieve their business objectives.

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