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10 Free Sample Italian Menu Templates

Italian menu is used by the people to showcase the Italian dishes in their restaurants. There are different types of menus which are used to depict the true color of Italian dishes. The Italian menu help the people in finding the simple Italian dishes and the wording used for the dishes in the menu also them understand the real sense of the dishes before tasting them. The casual Italian menu includes the graphics of the Italian dishes such as pasta, spaghetti etc. the names of the dishes and the menu are highlighted in the accent of Italian language to grab the attention of the tourist who like to eat Italian food.

The best thing that the designer of the menu can use in the Italian menu is the use of ethnic language. For example, if you have a look on the Italian menu you can see the name of spaghetti to be written as shrimp scampi tagliatelle. You might get confused at once by this name but you will be surprised to know that it is not something very different but just the name of the noodles. The designer has used the ethnic language to represent the name of the Italian dish just because it will give the menu more authenticity.

There are many brands which are very popular among the Italian food lover. Adding the name of those brands in the menu makes the menu more tempting. It tastes even better when the customer knows that he is being served with the branded food item or the restaurant where he is sitting has some association with any brand.

Like every dish, there are some Italian dishes which are very popular across the world. The most popular Italian dishes are always wanted by the Italian food lovers. They want to get those popular dishes in the restaurant. Or sometimes, the introduction of new dishes also diverts the attention of the customer and they ultimately want to taste them. If you have included those dishes in the menu then it would be a good practice to highlight it. Not ail the dishes in the menu are highlighted. Those which are highlighted, have been used in that way on purpose. When you regard them as your special dishes, the customers will also be tempted to taste them.

In order to increase the sale of the expensive items of the restaurant, the best practice is put he names of the expensive dishes on the top right corner of the menu. As a research tells that most of the people look at the top right corner of the menu and then gradually they move downwards. The cheap food items are written in small text and at the bottom of the menu. In this way, the expensive food items are made prominent so that they can draw the attention of the customer. Another important point to be kept in mind is that never use multiple pages in the menu. The menu with single page and more folds can be good rather menu with lots of pages. Nobody likes menu with multiple pages.

Here is preview of This First Sample Italian Menu Template created using MS Word,


Here is download link for this Sample Italian Menu Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Italian Menu Template created using MS Word,


Here is download link for this Sample Italian Menu Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Italian Menu Template created using MS Word,


Here is download link for this Sample Italian Menu Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Italian Menu Template in PSD Format,


Here is download link for this Sample Italian Menu Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Italian Menu Template in PSD Format,


Here is download link for this Sample Italian Menu Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Italian Menu Template in PSD Format,


Here is download link for this Sample Italian Menu Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Italian Menu Template in PDF Format,


Here is download link for this Sample Italian Menu Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Italian Menu Template in PDF Format,


Here is download link for this Sample Italian Menu Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Italian Menu Template in PDF Format,


Here is download link for this Sample Italian Menu Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Italian Menu Template in PDF Format,


Here is download link for this Sample Italian Menu Template,
