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6 Free Sample Day Care Quotation Templates

Download these 6 Free Sample Day Care Quotation Templates to help  you prepare your own Quotation.

The economic condition of the present world is not less than a nightmare for people who have daily jobs. The present family system is also not very collaborative like in the older times. It has been observed that in such circumstances, to overcome the financial needs of the house hold, both partners i.e. husband and wife have to work.

This cycle of life is pretty easy and manageable for the families where there are either no children or children are old enough to go to school and take care of themselves. But this becomes a real challenge if such families have infants or new born babies whom you can’t leave at home for your work.

Using Day Care Quotation Templates

To tackle this very problem of the present age, a place known by the name of day care center was established by some people. The job of day care centers is to provide care, feeding and keeping the kids in a healthy environment while the mother or parents are at work. People drop their kids at the day care center in the morning and then pick them while on the way back to home. This solves the problem and they do not need to be worried about the child, as dare care centers have professionally trained staff for looking after their child.

A day care center has customers who leave their children on daily basis other than week holidays as well as people who need to leave their kids just for a day while they need to go for something urgent, or sometimes fathers when the mother has to go somewhere for a day or two. Day care centers are indeed a great business and lives of many people are attached to it now. However this indeed is a job of extreme responsibility and care.

Day Care Quotation Format Guidelines

People who would like to visit day care centers for leaving their kids while they are away or at work must be interested in the cost their kid will make them spent on it. Since there will be multiple day care centers located in their route from home to work so customers are always interested in a cheap price and good facility. A quotation of day care will help them in comparing the services being provided and the prices being charged; and customers are always interested in quotes before actually starting to leave their kid at one day care. A brief guideline to making such quote is as follows.

  • Mention either it is a quote for a long term service or just one or two days.
  • The services like babysitting, feeding, cleaning and anything else being provided should be mentioned.
  • The prices of services should be either mentioned as a sum or separately. It depends on how things work at your day care center.
  • Any extra utilities like feeding something other than the regular diet, or using of diapers etc. should be mentioned separately and charges should be described.
  • Any terms and conditions should be mentioned which you follow at your day care center so that the parents should know beforehand.

Free Day Care Quotation Templates

Here is preview of This First Sample Day Care Quotation Template in MS Word format.

Download link for this Sample Day Care Quotation Template.

Here is preview of another Sample Day Care Quotation Template in MS Word format.


Download link for this Sample Day Care Quotation Template.

Here is preview of another Sample Day Care Quotation Template in MS Word format.


Download link for this Sample Day Care Quotation Template.

Here is preview of another Sample Day Care Quotation Template in MS Word format.

Download link for this Sample Day Care Quotation Template.

Here is preview of another Sample Day Care Quotation Template in MS Word format.

Download link for this Sample Day Care Quotation Template.

Here is preview of another Sample Day Care Quotation Template in MS Word format.

Download link for this Sample Day Care Quotation Template.
