Download these 13 Free Sample Chess Score Sheet Templates to help you prepare your own Chess Score Sheet easily.
Every intellectual person wants and loves to play chess and have long competitive championships with other chess lovers. When the match is going on, the scores must be written own somewhere to see the unbiased results, for this propose, chess score sheet is required. This sheet is in a tabular form and allows the participants to keep writing their scores and avoid any confusion as we all know that chess requires a lot of critical and analytical thinking before any piece is moved to a secured place. This thinking can take a lot of time and energy of the participants. This score sheet works as a referee or judge and can assist them by storing the points in it while the participants are busy doing their thinking.
Many of the template for this score sheet are available over internet, but we advise you to know how to make it by following our simple guidelines so that you can stop relying of templates and you can make your own anytime, moreover, some of the templates require amendments and changing, follow our guidelines and record your records before saying checkmate!
Chess Score Sheet Format
First of all, mention the date on which the match is happening, you can mention the venue as well if you want. Now mention who takes what, state the name of person who is taking the black piece and the one who is taking the white one.
Now draw out columns and rows in such a way that it should look like an excel sheet. You can either make these cells in two or three columns or can make a single column for this purpose. One column must contain further three columns. Give headings to each of them. The first one should be stated as numbers, this will give out the details of moves the participants have taken. Draw as many cells as you deem will be necessary or will be used. As chess is an unpredictable game, draw more cells than you usually utilize, this will come in handy.
The second and third column should be mentioned as white and black. The sequence does not matter. This is the actual column that will record all of the moves and the acts of pieces. Record every move either good or bad. If you are serious about chess and have been reading chess books, or other articles, then you might have seen some punctuation on the score sheet after moves, such as “!” and ‘?’, this is usually when someone comments in the move. Do not add these punctuation when writing the score on sheet, as no one knows what a move is before the game ends, and sometimes not even after it ends. Tricky game chess is.
13 Free Sample Chess Score Sheets
Write down who won the game and who lost it at the end of the score sheet, and circle it to make it more dramatic. Take the signs of both the parties to make sure that both the parties agree with the neutral judge.
Here is preview of This First Sample Chess Score Sheet Template in MS Word format.
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Here is preview of another Sample Chess Score Sheet Template.
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Here is preview of another Sample Chess Score Sheet Template in MS Excel Format.
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Here is preview of another Sample Chess Score Sheet Template in MS Excel Format.
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Here is preview of another Sample Chess Score Sheet Template in PDF Format.
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Here is preview of another Sample Chess Score Sheet Template in PDF Format.
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Here is preview of another Sample Chess Score Sheet Template in PDF Format.
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Here is preview of another Sample Chess Score Sheet Template in PDF Format.
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Here is preview of another Sample Chess Score Sheet Template in PDF Format.
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Here is preview of another Sample Chess Score Sheet Template in PDF Format.
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Here is preview of another Sample Chess Score Sheet Template in PDF Format.
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