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9 Free Sample Bridgett Score Sheet Templates

While Preparing Bridgett’s Score Sheet you have to maintain the score in contract Bridget. There are two main groups of Bridgett Score Sheet:

  1. Duplicates
  2. Rubber scoring

While based upon the same primary elements of scoring, they vary in how the components are used to personal offers and in how these are then destroyed. Chicago, being a version of Rubber Bridget, uses a variation of Rubber Bridget scoring. The duplicate Bridget has many modifications for comparing, scoring, and ranking the comparative efficiency of relationships and groups enjoying the same offers as their opponents.

Bridgett Score Sheet key elements

Bridgett’s Score Sheet consists of nine elements. Not all elements are involved in all game versions and the method of the build-up of the elements over several deals varies.

If the contract is designed, the score for each such deal comprises of:

  1. Contract points:

The contract points are granted for each odd technique bid and made. Their principles rely on the fit or no trump and whether the contract is redoubled or doubled; they are not affected by the defenselessness. Techniques won beyond that necessary to meet the contract are generally known as overtricks and their scoring points are included independently because their principles are reliant upon declarer’s weaknesses.

  1. Overtrick points:

When declarer creates overtricks, their ranking value relies on the contract denomination, the declarer’s vulnerability, and whether or not the contract is un-doubled, doubled, or redoubled. In an un-doubled contract, each overtrick generates the same as in contract points (30 for no-trump and significant fit contracts, 20 for minimal fit contracts); the values improve considerably when the points have been more than doubled or redoubled, especially when at-risk.

  1. Slam bonus

Bonuses are awarded for all slam contracts bid and built:

  • A small slam, or effective contract to win 12 of 13 tricks, gets a bonus of 500 points if not susceptible and 750 points if vulnerable;
  • A grand slam, or effective contract to win all 13 tricks, gets a bonus of 1000 points if not susceptible and 1500 points if vulnerable.

Doubled or redoubled bonus

When a doubled or redoubled contract is built, a bonus is awarded to the declaring section. It is informally referred to as a bonus for “insult”, significance that the opponents have insulted the pair by indicating that the declarer will not make the contract.

  • 50 points are granted for a doubled contract made, and
  • 100 points are granted for a redoubled contract made.

In a scoring note, a doubled contract is pointed out by an ‘X” after the contract e.g. a contract of four hearts doubled is pointed out by 4♥ X; a redoubled contract is indicated by “XX” e.g. 4♥ XX.

  1. A bonus, informally known as ‘for insult’, is received at the end of any option in which a doubled or redoubled contract is bid and made.

If the contract is beaten, the defenders receive:

  1. Penalty points

When a contract is beaten, penalty points are accorded to the defending side. The value of the penalty is dependent on the number of undertricks, no matter if the declaring side is vulnerable or not vulnerable and regardless of whether the contract was un-doubled, doubled, or redoubled.

Free Sample Bridgett Score Sheet:

Here is a preview of This First Sample Bridgett Score Sheet Template,











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