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8 Free Sample Basketball Score Sheet Samples

Basketball is a very common game in USA and Europe and it’s very popular among school, college and university students. There are also national teams of basketball that play domestically with other states and there are international leagues of basketball as well where teams of different countries play with each other. Basically it is a game where two teams of 5 players play with each other and they try to pass the ball through a fixed hoop. This hoop is fixed at the end of the both sides of game court at a certain height. One team tries to make as many goals where the other team tries to stop them.

Essential elements to include in a Basketball Score Sheet:

  • Names of the teams along with the names of their clubs and coaches
  • Names of all individual players of each team
  • Date on which the teams are playing the match
  • Time when the match is going to start
  • Name of the game court i.e. place of the match
  • Name of the referee
  • Name of the scorekeeper
  • Separate column for keeping score of each individual player in the 1st half of the match
  • Separate column for keeping score of each individual player in the 2nd half of the match
  • Separate columns for personal fouls of each player
  • Total score of each team at the end of the game
  • Name of the winning team along with the total score

Guidelines for preparing Basketball Score Sheet:

  • Start the score keeping for the basketball game by putting the names of teams and the names of individual players along with their numbers on the list. Here you are also required to mention the name of the team and the name of the coach of the team.
  • Mention the date on which the match is being played by the teams and the place where it’s being played. Another important element is the time when the match will start.
  • On the score sheet, you have two options, note down the score of each individual player in every half of the game or you can just mention the overall score of each game in each half. The first choice is better because this way you can track score of individual players throughout the game.
  • Writing the score is not as hard as it is to understand the fouls of the game and penalties throughout the game. Before you mention any foul from either team on the score sheet, you should make sure that it’s an actual foul and not a misunderstanding. For this purpose, you need to understand all the abbreviations and specific terms that referees use during the basketball match along with the hand signals too.
  • There should be a separate column where you put the overall score of each team after each half next to the column where you are putting score of all players. This way at the end of the match, you can just sum up each team’s score in each half and that will give you a calculated score for the winning team.
  • Mention the overall score of each team in a separate box and mention the name and score of the winning team in a bold font.

Here is preview of This First Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template created using MS Word,


Here is download link for this Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template created using MS Word,


Here is download link for this Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template created using MS Word,


Here is download link for this Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template created using MS Excel,


Here is download link for this Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template in PDF Format,


Here is download link for this Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template in PDF Format,


Here is download link for this Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template in PDF Format,


Here is download link for this Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template,

Here is preview of another Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template in PDF Format,


Here is download link for this Sample Basketball Score Sheet Template,
